The woman who gave the Carnations to the Revolution
Celeste Caeiro worked on a restaurant that opened on the 25th of April, 1973. Two years later, to comemorate the restaurant’s opening, her boss ordered red and white carnations to give out to every woman attending the restaurant and a Port Wine to the men. However, on that morning, the revolution happening downtown Lisbon prevented the restaurant from opening. Celeste’s boss told all his employees to go home and take the carnations with them.
Celeste took the subway to Rossio, where she was immediatly confronted with the military forces. She approached one of the soldiers and asked what was going on. He answered “We are heading to Largo do Carmo to stop Marcello Caetano. This is a revolution!”. He then asked for a cigarette, but Celeste had none. She felt like giving some food to the soldiers, but all the stores were closed. So she handed out the only thing she had with her: her carnations. She told him: “If you want it, here: a carnation should be given to any person”. The soldier took the carnation and put it in his rifle.
So Celeste proceeded to hand out carnations. And the soldiers proceeded to put it in the barrell of their rifles.
10 Reasons why Java Rocks More Than Ever | Javalobby
Link: 10 Reasons why Java Rocks More Than Ever | JavalobbyMaybe this will help all the haters understand why I’m still so fond of this programming language. I’ll have a cup of it anytime!
HDFS Explorer - nice tool for MS Windows and Hadoop
Looks like someone at RedGate read my mind: Manipulating HDFS storage on an interface like Windows explorer. Check out the demo video below:
You can get the software here:
Como fazer a declaração de IRS português em Linux | Ubuntued
Como fazer a declaração de IRS português em Linux | Ubuntued:Neste artigo explicamos-lhe como pode preencher a sua declaração de IRS através do seu Ubuntu, com recurso ao OpenJDK.
Para quem, como eu, utiliza software livre nos computadores lá de casa, aqui vai uma ajuda!
eBook - HDInsight: Microsoft’s Cloud Hadoop
I’ve published a small ebook meant to help IT professionals, with background experience on Apache Hadoop, transition to its Microsoft cloud implementation. The assumption will be that the client will be running Windows along with PowerShell.
This is not a book to learn Hadoop, its purpose is to accelerate the adoption by Hadoop developers coming from in-house clusters or cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services.
You can check it out at Amazon Kindle Store.
Here’s a look at the table of contents:
2 Introduction
3 Do you have what it takes?
3.1 Create a Microsoft Account
3.2 Register for Microsoft Azure
3.3 Download and Install the Azure SDK
3.4 Configure the Azure SDK to your Online Account
4 Setting Things Up for HDInsight
4.1 Creating a Storage Account
4.2 Create a Container using Microsoft Azure Powershell
4.3 Uploading Input Files to Azure Blob Storage
4.3.1 Using Powershell
4.3.2 Using Free GUI Tools
4.4 Provisioning an HDInsight Cluster with Quick Create
4.5 Provisioning an HDInsight Cluster with Powershell
5 Meeting Old Friends in New Places
5.1 Running Map Reduce Jobs Programatically
5.2 Retrieving Job Output
5.3 Using Hive with HDInsight
6 General HDInsight Powershell Guidance
6.1 Basic building blocks
6.2 Scripts used to perform the tasks on this book
6.2.1 Create Storage Container
6.2.2 Upload File
6.2.3 Download File
6.2.4 Delete File
6.2.5 Hadoop Submit Job
6.2.6 Hive Create Table
6.2.7 Hive Load Data
6.2.8 Hive Perform Query
Happy reading!
Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Free ebook: Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2014:
This book is for anyone who has an interest in SQL Server 2014 and wants to understand its capabilities.
SQL Server 2014 has been released
With the release of SQL Server 2014, there are new licensing guides:
- Determining SQL Server 2012 Core Licensing Requirements Guide
- SQL Server Buyer’s Guide
- SQL Server Core Factor Table
- SQL Server Licensing Datasheet and FAQ
- SQL Server Licensing Guide
- SQL Server Virtualization Licensing Guide
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