Love to code, although it bugs me.

JSON on MySQL: still not fond of it.

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Earlier, I posted here about my dislike of allowing developers to push the JSON workload into the database server.

Reading this entry on a nice blog about MySQL, what caught my eye was the sentence:

Funny. It all started with the idea to be schema-free. Now people seem to need schema enforcement.

I’ve also seen this article on DZone which sarcastically illustrates the mislead of developers caused by the hype on JSON:

That’s it, then; let’s use JSON and manifest the death of XML!

I got reassurance on Twitter that MySQL performance won’t be compromised for using the new JSON datatype and operations:

Not wanting to flog a dead horse here, by coming back to this topic, but it’s really not about the features or how they perform well on the engine. It’s what developers come up with to make things work. 

Apparently, already there are bright minds that would like to cripple the flexibility of JSON with a sort of schema validation. Who knows what else will come up? And since the door is open to shove all that bright ideas inside the database engine, might as well make developers at home and put it up to them to solve the upcoming performance issues later on.

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