Love to code, although it bugs me.

I like Internet Explorer!

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I'm a fan of smashing magazine but I was a bit let down after reading this post Dear Web User: Please Upgrade Your Browser.
It's pretty well written but It's nothing more than a designer rant and some trolling on IE.
It's true that IE falls way behind the competition on the browser extensions and integrated cloud service and it's a given fact that a lot of Windows users don't update their browser to the latest available version.
But IE9 is still a pretty good browser and the missing plug-in market is a positive thing when it comes to browser safety and stability.
Besides Internet Explorer at the work desktop, I also use Firefox and Chrome for personal stuff. Who of you have never seen this page on Chrome:
Browser stability, compatibility and safety always rely mostly on the web developer's skills. It's not just about the browser.
The post I mentioned makes a solid case for using Chrome, if you'd like to bother getting some fact based argument of why Internet Explorer is a decent browser, you can visit a non-affiliated web site: PCWorld. There you have the top 100 products of 2011. Internet Explorer 9 comes in at #19, the only major browser to make the list this go around.

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